3 Questions To Ask A Shipping Service Before You Hire Them

Posted on: 17 November 2022

When it comes time to ship your products, you have a lot of decisions to make. Among the most important is which shipping service to use. With so many shipping services out there, it can be hard to know which one is right for you and your business. Here are a few questions you should ask a shipping service before you hire them.

What Are Their Shipping Options?

Before you decide if a shipping service is right for you, you need to know what shipping options they offer. You'll want to know if they offer shipping by land, sea, or air. This way, you can compare shipping times and costs.

Also, depending on the type of product you're shipping, you may need special shipping options. For example, if you're shipping a perishable product, you'll need a shipping service that offers refrigerated shipping. Likewise, if you're shipping a large or fragile item, you'll need to ensure the shipping service offers shipping insurance and packaging that will protect your product.

Keep in mind the shipping options you need will vary depending on your product and shipping destination. So, make sure your preferred shipping service can accommodate your diverse shipping needs.

Can They Handle Your Volume?

Another thing you'll want to ask your shipping service is if they can handle your volume. If you're shipping many packages, you'll want to ensure the shipping service can handle your order volume. Some shipping services have a minimum order requirement. You'll be charged a higher shipping rate if you ship fewer than the required number of packages. Other shipping services have a maximum order limit. If you ship more than the limit, your order will be split up and shipped on different days. This could affect shipping times and costs.

To avoid these shipping surcharges, ask your shipping service about their shipping volume requirements and limits. You don't want to be caught off guard by higher shipping rates or longer shipping times. So, be sure to ask about what volume a shipping service can handle before you commit to them.

What Is Their Shipping Rate?

Among the most important things to ask your shipping service is their shipping rate. Shipping rates can vary greatly depending on the shipping service you use. Some shipping services charge by the package, while others charge by the weight or size of the package. And some shipping services offer discounts for shipping multiple packages.

You'll need to establish a few things to get an accurate shipping quote. Find out what the shipping service charges for shipping. For instance, do they charge by the package or by weight? By understanding how shipping is charged, you can more accurately compare shipping rates.

Also, make sure you ask if the shipping service offers any shipping discounts. If your business ships a lot of packages, you may be eligible for shipping discounts. These shipping discounts can save you a lot of money on shipping costs.

Ultimately, you'll want to compare shipping rates before you decide on a shipping service. Be sure to ask about shipping rates and shipping discounts to get the most accurate shipping quote.
