The Pros And Cons Of Having Your Prescriptions Mailed To You

Posted on: 2 December 2017

If you have a medication that you take on a regular basis, you may be looking into having that prescription delivered to you by mail. Deliveries for prescriptions is becoming more common. However, it is not ideal for everyone. There are pros and cons to having your prescriptions delivered to you by mail. Taking the time to learn these pros and cons will help you determine if prescription mail delivery is best for you. Here are a couple of the pros and cons of having your prescriptions mailed directly to you. 

The Cons of Having Your Prescriptions Mailed to You

  • Heat Can Damage Your Prescriptions

One of the biggest disadvantages to having your prescriptions mailed to you is that heat can damage certain types of medications. If you live somewhere where it gets hot, mailing certain medications in the dead of summer may not be advised. Also, keep in mind that your mailbox gets hotter than outside temperatures. If your prescription has a warning about the temperatures at which your prescription should be stored, shipping it may not be ideal. 

  • Insurance May Not Cover Shipping Costs

The other downside to shipping prescriptions is that your insurance may not cover any shipping surcharges or add-on charges that the pharmacy charges. If you are on a limited budget, picking up the prescriptions in person may be cheaper than having to pay to ship them. 

The Pros of Having Your Prescriptions Mailed to You

  • You Don't Have to Go Out to Get Your Medications

The biggest benefit to having your prescriptions mailed to you is that you don't have to go out to get your medications. Your medications come right to you. If you have trouble getting out of the house, don't have transportation, or hate going out in the rain or snow, having them delivered right to you can make your life a little simpler. 

  • You Don't Have to Remember to Get Your Medications

The other advantage to having your prescriptions mailed to you is that you don't have to remember to go pick up your medications. Your medications are shipped directly to you every 30, 60 or 90 days, depending on your prescription. This helps to ensure that you never run out of medications because you forgot to go pick one up. 

If you are wondering if your prescription medications can or should be mailed to you, speak to your local pharmacist. They can help you determine if your medications can be mailed, if they are sensitive to heat and whether your insurance will cover the cost. This can help you make an informed decision as to whether having your prescriptions mailed to you is the best choice for you. 
